About Kitchen Tune-Up Miamisburg, OH
Our Miamisburg, OH Team
David & Charles Huber
Before joining Kitchen Tune-Up, my dad, Charles, and I were flipping houses. We purchased our franchise in 2016 after the previous owners retired from serving the Miamisburg area since 1996. We are passionate about making older kitchens look new again and putting smiles on the people who have us work in their home! We both love the outdoors and any free time is spent either in our tree stand or camping.
I have a grown daughter who has blessed me with a granddaughter, because nothing is better than a grand kid! I have several dogs that I enjoy spending time with and try to go to as many Dayton Dragons games that I can.
My dad and I both make sure we do our part for the environment and donate old doors and cabinets from projects we work on to Habitat for Humanity.