Rise in Remodels

Rise in remodels with white modern kitchen shaker cabinets

U.S. homeowners have been bustling with remodels lately. New survey data from 2019 shows that 80 percent of homeowners have remodeled a kitchen, bathroom or laundry room recently and that over half plan to do so in the immediate future.

The most interesting part? The data come from all age groups, meaning the rise in bathroom and kitchen remodels isn’t isolated to just older homeowners like the stereotypes might suggest. With more affordable and customized options on the market, even new homeowners are jumping into the remodel of their dreams.

Why are people remodeling?

People seem to be pretty evenly split on their top reasons for remodeling a room. The top three motivators each account for roughly 30 percent of home remodels.

  1. Changing family needs (making room for a new baby, accommodating a relative in a wheelchair, etc.)
  2. Optimizing space usage
  3. Increasing home market value

Of course, there’s always a desire to customize a home that can help nudge people towards the renovation they’ve been considering. Homeowners were also polled on what they wanted their kitchens to “say”, with statements like “I’m modern” or “I’ve worked hard for this” topping the list.

Common roadblocks

This data, which comes from Hausera’s first annual “Truth about Kitchen and Bathroom Renovations Survey”, also accounted for the most common issues people ran into while remodeling their homes. Unsurprisingly, staying on budget was a huge concern. Nearly half of those surveyed reported difficulties in maintaining their original budgets.

This is something we’ve always taken very seriously at Kitchen Tune-Up. We’ve had far too many people come to us with horror stories about nightmare remodeling projects that went double over the initial estimate.

This is why communication is one of our Trustpoints. With honest and open policies, pricing and communication, there are fewer surprises along the way. Finding the right professional for the job was also a top concern among remodeling homeowners. Nearly 40 percent said that projects were delayed or otherwise interrupted by difficulties finding the right remodeling team.

This is an understandable concern. There are a lot of companies vying for your business, and remodeling can present unique challenges that require professionalism, experience and creativity to fix.

For a remodeling team you can trust to deliver on all these points, visit our website to find the Kitchen Tune-Up closest to you, and finally get the kitchen of your dreams.

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